News & Insights

Accounting for the Receipt and Expenditures of Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Funding

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Congress authorized the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (CFDA/ALN 32.009). The ECF Program will cover reasonable costs of laptop and tablet […]


Accounting for Food Service-related Revenues and Expenditures (Updated)

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NEW (January 2022): Accounting for Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Local Costs Grant The P-EBT Local Level Administrative Cost Grant is a federal award (CFDA#10.649). Accounting guidance for these funds is as […]


Accounting for Emergency Relief Funds Under the American Rescue Plan Act

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Revenue and Expenditure Recognition Considerations Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Formula Funds received under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act through MDE should be recorded as federal […]


ERISA Update and Outlook for 2022

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Employers have spent the last two years dealing with many challenges and disruptions, and they are now looking to move forward in 2022 against a backdrop of economic and pandemic-related […]


2022 Deadlines and Important Dates for Plan Sponsors

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Sponsors of defined benefit and defined contribution plans should keep the following deadlines and other important dates in mind as they work toward ensuring compliance for their plans in 2022. […]


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